How can I help?
Interested in coming to serve?
There are 2 ways to come and serve at Mukinge:
- Through SIM (Serving in mission)
- Through WMM (World Medical Mission)
For more information on how to contact SIM or WMM, see our contact page
Interested in Projects and Donations?
Mukinge continues to train local staff to meet critical needs in the areas of maintenance, business accounting, and various medical professional skills. As individuals qualify for ongoing education, we raise support to help them meet the costs of that education in return for continued commitment to work at the hospital. We currently have training opportunities identified for members of the business office, lab technician, pharmacy, medical licentiate, medical school for physician training, construction, and midwifery and other advanced nursing degrees. We continue to need support to help meet the ongoing costs of these educational programs for specific individuals to benefit the hospital. Donations to the education project can be made to SIM (, project ZM-87344). Individuals will be sponsored according to hospital priorities for staffing as funds are available.
Selected donated supplies are a great help to us. Please note that Zambia has a very strict policy about expired medications and generally we are required to throw out any medicines that are past their expiry date. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but they are rare.
The needs of the hospital vary from time to time. If you’re willing and able to bring medication or supplied, please contact us to discuss this further.
Mukinge has continued to struggle as the infrastructure of the hospital deteriorates. We are currently involving local communities to help us with cleaning and painting the hospital to encourage local support of the hospital. We continue to have needs to rehabilitate our water system, a project which is estimated at close to $100,000 USD. We are also trying to expand the available staff housing to allow us to recruit and retain more clinical staff. We have been successful in the past year in securing funds to rehabilitate three staff houses in addition to securing funds for the construction of a four-plex apartment complex. We will continue to need help in raising funds for capital projects in the future.
We are constantly trying to update and replace our medical equipment to enable us to offer high quality care. We continue to need to purchase some of our medical equipment and supplies from overseas since some vital medications are not available in country. With the advent of reliable electrical services to the hospital, we have begun to capitalize on this opportunity to modernize our health care and make more services available. We continue to need overseas support in the areas of biomedical maintenance, purchase of new equipment, and on-site training of the use and care of new technologies.
Without piped oxygen we rely on oxygen concentrators to provide oxygen to patients, with less than one per ward they are often shared by several patients.
To help maintain the hospital infrastructure and purchase new equipment donations can be made via SIM (, project ZM-87342)